Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Plantation Society in the Caribbean today - 2067 Words

Couse Name: Law, Governance, Society and Economy in the Caribbean Course Code: FOUN1301 Date Due: April 8th, 2014 Question: How far is it true to say that the plantation is still with us? There is still evidence of the plantation society within the modern Caribbean Society. This evidence can be seen from first analyzing various aspects of the plantation system or society, such as the; lifestyle, mentality, social structure and economic model associated with this social system. Then a comparison will be made between the plantation and modern Caribbean societies in relation to these aspects, to show their relevance in the modern Caribbean society. The era of slavery which occurred in the Caribbean during the 16th to 19th centuries†¦show more content†¦By the latter part of the twentieth century, these middle classes (mostly the black and brown educated and professional elite) controlled the leadership positions of political parties and states throughout the region. The evolution of the colored middle class to power lead to many serious struggles with the white powers, these struggles included the struggle for greater democratic participation for the majority black population and the struggle for political independence from European control which was eventually achieved at least physically even though it is quite arguable that mentally the European control persist, the realization of political power and independence by the national black and brown elite did not necessarily shatter the foundations of white domination throughout the region. Although it can be said that politically there has been great changes leading to the physical political emancipation of today s society from that of the plantation society the economic power was still in the hands of the expatriate white ownership classes even after political independence was won in the 1960s, and the Caribbean racial formations spawned by slavery and colonialism are still intact. From an econo micShow MoreRelated The Caribbean’s Cultural History Essay1701 Words   |  7 PagesThe Caribbean’s Cultural History Columbus’ discovery in 1492 set off a chain of events in the emergence of the Caribbean society, as Knight states in his book The Caribbean. The first voyage of Columbus in 1492 fortuitously discovered a whole new world and set in motion a chain of events whose profound consequences gave new directions to the histories of Europe, Africa, the Americas, and Asia. It was the voyages of Columbus and those who followed him that brought the Americas into the consciousnessRead More Caribbean Culture and the Way it Formed Essay1196 Words   |  5 PagesCaribbean Culture and the Way it Formed One of the greatest debates that exists today about the Caribbean is the condition of the socio-culture of the people. Sidney Mintz, Antonio Benitz-Rojo, and Michelle Cliff are three authors that comment on this problem in their writings. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Can Skepticism Be Defended, Perhaps In A Limited Form...

Can Skepticism Be Defended, Perhaps In A Limited Form? 1. Introduction This essay centres around what it means to know something is true and also why it is important to distinguish between what you know and do not or can not know. The sceptic in challenging the possibility of knowing anything challenges the basis on which all epistemology is based. It is from this attack on epistemology that the defence of scepticism is seen. 2. Strong Scepticism Strong scepticism states that it is not possible to know anything. That is we cannot have absolute knowledge of anything. This can however immediately have the reflexive argument turned on it and have the question begged of it: â€Å"If it is not possible to know anything then how is it you know†¦show more content†¦Two examples of a persons sensual perception leading them astray are as follows. Two people are looking at a white object. The first person is looking at the object through a transparent red sheet and the other through a transparent green sheet. Neither person knows that the sheets are there so both come away with different conclusions and perceptions as to what colour the object in front of them is. (Cornman, Lehrer, Pappas, 1992, pp. 46-47) Another example is when two people are looking at an oblong object from different angles one may see a perfect rectangle the other a perfect square. (Cornman, Lehrer, Pappas, 1992, pp. 46-47) The point I am making here is that sensual perceptions are all relevant to the position of the observer. This is not a good situation for something that we contrive to get justification for our knowledge from. 5. The Brain in the Vat Argument This argument is similar to the one in Platos republic in that it involves an imaginary situation where the people or person involved believes that they have knowledge (Plato, Cave Analogy, Book VII). 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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Environmental Disclosure in Annual Report of Energy Companies

Question: Discuss about theEnvironmental Disclosure in Annual Report of Energy Companies. Answer: Introduction The main aim of this research is to analyze and evaluate various aspects related to the environmental disclosure for the energy companies of NZ and India. For this reason, the researcher has taken a sample of five energy companies in NZ and five energy companies from India in order to compare the environmental disclosure aspects in their annual reports. Research Questions There are two major questions of this research proposal to achieve the research objectives. The questions are shows below: What are the Environmental disclosure of energy companies in India and NZ? What are these energy companies doing in relation to this? Literature Review GRI Standards 302: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard 302 concerns with the topic of energy. Business organizations use to consume various forms of energy like electricity, fuel, heating and others. Businesses can generate energy, they can buy it from external sources and they can get energy from both renewable and non-renewable sources. Thus, it is required for the companies to use energy more efficiently in order to fight with climate change and other environmental issues. This particular standard that is GRI Standard 302 provide information related to the impact of the companies on these energies and the management of them (, 2018). GRI Standard 305: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard 305 deals with the issues of emission into air that are the discharge of substances from different sources into the atmosphere. Different types of emissions can be seem; they are greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, ozone-depleting sunstones (ODS), emission of nitrogen oxide (NOX), emission of Sulfur oxides (SOX) and others. GRI Standard 305 has set out the reporting requirements on the above-mentioned types of emissions. It needs to be mentioned that the business organizations irrespective of size, type, sector and geographic location can adopt the policies of GRI Standard 305 in order to show the impact of emission (, 2018). Methodology For this research program, the researcher will adopt both Qualitative and Quantitative methods of reserahgc. Qualitative Research: In the process of qualitative research method, the researcher will take a sample of five energy companies in NZ and five energy companies from India. After that, he/she will analyze the annual reports of the selected companies to get the view about the energy disclosure of these companies. Thus, the researcher will deal with secondary data (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). Quantitative Research: In the process of quantitative research process, the researcher will deal with the energy disclosure data from the selected sample companies. After the collection of the primary data on energy disclosure of the selected sample comapneis, the researcher will apply different statistical methods or tests like descriptive statistical test, correlation and others to get the results (Neuman, 2013). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be seen that the researcher will take five energy companies in NZ and five energy companies from India for this research. After that, he/she will apply both qualitative and quantitative research method to answer the research questions. References Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons. Neuman, W. L. (2013).Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson education. GRI 302: Energy. (2018) Retrieved 21 March 2018, from GRI 305: Emissions. (2018) Retrieved 21 March 2018, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Working conditions

Introduction Observing ethical standards is extremely fundamental in any working environment. They should be upheld in every business aspect such in determining the amount of wages, working conditions, and methods of firing and hiring workers. In an ethical point of view, every employee is entitled to a healthy, safe working environment and adequate remuneration (Garrett Klonoski, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Working conditions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, any practice that disregards any of these ethical requirements is considered unethical. This document, therefore, is going to explicate an instance whereby workers are exposed at an extremely risky environment. The Most risky task in the company The most dangerous job is working with the ovens in the bakery. This is because employees are exposed to high temperatures, which can cause extremely serious injuries such as frequent burns. Ho wever, the employer of the company has taken adequate measures to contain the any undesired situation. He has trained employees on how to conduct their various tasks safely. The employer has also provided protective equipment such as gloves, boots, aprons, and headgear for employees to use while conducting their tasks. This ethical act is in accordance with the stipulated rights of employees. Employees or workers are entitled to work in a risk-free environment. The received protection is in accordance with the law, which insists that employees should work with protective equipment (Fernando, 2009). Moreover, they are entitled to walk out immediately they feel unsafe or in case of an impending danger. The bakery also has ventilation for free flow of air to moderate the existing temperatures. Despite the efforts of the employer, it is the also responsibility of the workers to be conscious while working, in order to avoid mistakes. Whether workers are adequately informed about the dang ers The employer takes training provision incredibly seriously and thus every employee of the company must be part of the process. The employer prioritizes safety before anything else. In addition, the company has adequate and safety procedures instilled in its policies. The employer has enough first aid kits installed in all working areas, to ensure that any emergencies are easily contained. All employees have an emergency plan and undergo drills from time to time. The drills and trainings confirm that worker fully understand the dangers in their work as well as the process of captaining any emergencies. Ultimately, the working areas are properly marked with warning signs to show areas that may pose a danger to the employee (Griseri Seppala, 2010).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Whether the danger is reasonable The company has a risk assessment program run by a qualified health officer. It helps to identify areas that pose a danger to the employees, as well as the company as a whole. This program helps in preventing the occurrence of accidents due to fault of machines or health hazards. Therefore, I believe that the employees are exposed to limited and reasonable dangers. However, some risks are inevitable the best one can do is to control them using various measures (Sage PUBNS, 2011). For instance, the ovens in the bakery undergo frequent check up and service to prevent any accidents that may occur. Conclusion It is fundamental for every employer to uphold at most ethical standards within their organizations. This is because some tasks in companies are extremely risky thus the need for protecting employees. An example of such risky task is working with ovens in bakery. Employees who perform such tasks should be adequately informed on how to avoid or contain dangerous situations or emergencies. Moreover, employees should only be exposed to limited or reasonable dangers. References Fernando, C. (2009). Business Ethics: An Indian Perspective. New Delhi, ND: Pearson Education India. Garrett, T. Klonoski, J. (2008). Business Ethics. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Griseri, P. Seppala, N. (2010). Business Ethics. Ohio, OH: Cengage Learning EMEA. Sage PUBNS. (2011). SAGE Brief Guide to Business. California, CA: Sage Publications.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Working conditions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This essay on Working conditions was written and submitted by user Osvaldo Navarro to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.